Thursday, 17 February 2011

Woohooo for the little things!

Reading back over this blog, it seems I do a fair old bit of whingeing... I tend to post when I'm upset about something, or am down in the dumps. Looking over various social websites it seems I'm not alone, there is a lot of complaining going on. I have a theory that we do it because it makes us feel better to vent our frustrations, also on those sites where there is interaction you can often get a sympathetic response which also helps.

But I feel like we might be in danger of coming across all doom and gloom, as if we only bother to communicate when we have something we want to whine about.

So in the interest of balance, here's some things that are good in my life - not big things, not necessarily the most exciting things, but stuff that just makes me feel good generally!

I have a wonderful group of friends who accept me for who I am, and are always there to support me when needed, and who I have some bloody good times with. There are some of them who I really don't know what I would do without them, and I am so pleased to have them in my life.

I have a full-time job that earns me enough money to keep the roof over my head, the food on the table (and the cats bellies), the occasional treat, and a trip away every now and again.

My parents are both loving and supportive, no matter what mad idea I come up with they always encourage me. I go and see them once a week, and enjoy spending time with them.

I have two beautiful big cats with sweet natures, who love a bit of fuss and attention.

My job allows me to work a compressed week, so I have a 3 day weekend.

I have my own home, with my own backyard to play at gardening in.

As well as all these things, I try as much as possible to take pleasure in the simple every day things... I don't need designer clothes, expensive jewellery, or state of the art technology to be happy, why would I need it?

Breaking open a new jar of coffee, is there any nicer smell than that? And that first cup to wake me up in the morning.

Listening to some of my favourite music, guaranteed to lift my mood.

A long hot bubble bath at the end of the day.

Clean fresh bed linen.

A sausage and fried egg barmcake with brown sauce.

Catching up on the weeks TV recordings while lazing on the couch.

Going for a swim and a steam room / jacuzzi with my best friend.

Baking some cakes, and then sharing them out at work or with friends.

A good find in a charity shop or car boot sale.

There are so many little things that can happen every day, I think we should all try and get as much enjoyment out of them as we deserve... incidentally, I have always found that things have a way of working out for me, I believe that luck follows positive people around and I have always been lucky.

I also seem to attract a lot of freebies and wins, we aren't talking anything spectacular here (I have yet to win the jackpot on the lottery!) but I do seem to get more than my fair share of free goodies... which I ALWAYS share with others, the Lush freebies I get sent every now and again get divided up among my friends, the four free extra ammolites from an ebay trader were shared with my mum and best friend, the extra bracelets that came with a bulk order were shared out, the money I won on the last Grand National paid for gig tickets for myself and a mate, and the £72 I won on the lottery went on a meal out for my parents. If something has come to me for nothing, then why hang on to it all myself - it has to be spread around, so everyone can enjoy it. Well, at least that's the way I see it.

So hopefully this post has gone some way towards making up for the complaining, my life is really doing just fine... I will make the effort to post more about the good things that happen, as well as the bad.

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